This blog began in 1997 as a single news page called Nucelus. In 2005, during a long wait to move into a new house, I decided to learn some php and MySQL and write my own blogging system, which became inkyBlog and which now powers this, my own Webbledegook blog.
Thank you to my brother, Murray Ewing, for help with some of the more challenging aspects!
I have also been making important steps forward with the script in the past week. Thanks for sticking with me!
In other news, I find myself quoted in an article about the Tintin/Bill Leak cartoons from The Australian - see the very last paragraph. To see where it's quoted from, see the full article here - I'm not quite so hard on Moulinsart really when you read the whole thing.
The above panel is from 'The Left Bank Gang' and it leads into a conversation between comic creators James Joyce and Ernest Hemmingway that all comic creators, I'm sure, will find funny - it'll probably make you laugh and cry at the same time thanks to its relevance!
Joyce says "It's because we read comics when we were kids... If we'd played football or climbed trees we'd be normal today. We'd have real jobs. We'd be bus drivers or carpenters and we'd be happy... It's too late now. It's the only thing I know how to do. I can't drive a bus, or hit a nail with a hammer. I can tell a story in tiny pictures and **** up my eyesight a little more every day... We're ******, that's what we are." He then asks Hemmingway "What.. you want to do something else?" to which Hem replies "No, but... I'm tired of fretting about money all the time, not knowing if I'll be able to pay next month's rent... It would be wonderful... to be able to buy myself an apartment, or an automobile, nice things, basically. I've got a wife and a son, for Christ's sake! What kind of life is this for a grown man?"
It's a wonderful sequence, and a wonderful book.