Tekki Sandan (iron horse, third level)
aka: Naihanchi or Naifuanchi, also known as Kiba Dachi Kata.
The third kata in the Tekki sequence is generally performed in a fast flurry of fists and focus. It includes kosa-uke and soesho chudan-zuki, as well as the signature sokumen gedan furisute - a wide circular arc.
While Naihanchi Shodan is a staple of Okinawan Shuri-te, the Nidan and Sandan forms are thought to be the late nineteenth/early twentieth century work of Yasutsune Itosu, developing the themes found in the original kata. It has also been suggested, as with the Pinans, that the three Tekki kata are the result of a much longer original sequence being broken up into shorter segments, though there is no foundation for this. ~ GE