Regiments involved in the Second Anglo-Afghan War 1878-1880

This page is purely a list of the various British and Indian regiments that were involved in the Afghan campaigns of 1878-79 and 1879-80. I have also indicated the major actions they were involved in, consisting of those awarded a clasp, but also including Maiwand.

AM (Ali Musjid), PK (Peiwar Kotal), C (Charasiab), Kb (Kabul), AK (Ahmed Khel),
M (Maiwand), KK (Kabul Kandahar march), Kd (Kandahar).

| British Regiments |
| Cavalry | Royal Horse Artillery | Royal Artillery | Infantry |
As well as these regiments there were the Staff, Royal Engineers and Army Medical Department.

| Indian Regiments |
| Cavalry | Artillery | Infantry | Sappers & Miners |

see also:
| regiments that marched to Kandahar | regiment embarkation dates to and from India |

British Regiments

6th Dragoon Guards 8th Hussars 9th Lancers (C, Kb, KK, Kd) 10th Hussars (AM, PK) 13th Hussars
15th Hussars

Royal Horse Artillery
D/B RHA E/B RHA (M) H/C RHA I/C RHA (AM) B/B RHA (reserve)

Royal Artillery
H/1 RA I/1 RA Field C/2 RA (KK, Kd) D/2 RA Field F/2 RA
C/3 RA E/3 RA (AM) G/3 RA (PK, C, Kb) A/4 RA C/4 RA
D/4 RA E/4 RA Field G/4 RA (AK) L/5 RA 1/8 RA Mountain
5/8 RA Mountain 6/8 RA Mountain (KK, Kd) 13/8 RA Heavy Seige 16/8 RA Heavy 11/9 RA Mountain (AM, KK, Kd)
12/9 RA Heavy 13/9 RA Heavy (AM) 14/9 RA Heavy 15/9 RA 5/11 RA Heavy
6/11 RA Heavy (AK) 8/11 RA Heavy Seige 10/11 RA Heavy 11/11 RA Mountain (AK)

5th Northumberland 7th Fusiliers (Kd) 8th Liverpool (PK) 9th East Norfolk (Kb) 11th North Devonshire
12th East Suffolk 14th West Yorkshire 15th East Yorkshire 17th Leicestershire (AM) 18th Royal Irish
25th King’s Own Borderers 51st South Yorkshire (AM) 59th East Lancashire (AK) 60th Royal Rifle Corps (AK, KK, Kd) 63rd West Suffolk
66th Berkshire (M, KK, Kd) 67th Hampshire (C, Kb) 70th East Surrey 72nd Seaforth Highlanders (PK, C, Kb, KK, Kd) 78th Seaforth Highlanders
81st North Lancashire (AM) 85th King’s Light Infantry 92nd Gordon Highlanders (C, Kb, KK, Kd) 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade (AM)

Indian Regiments

1st Bengal Cavalry 3rd Bengal Cavalry (KK, Kd) 4th Bengal Cavalry 5th Bengal Cavalry 8th Bengal Cavalry
10th Bengal Lancers 11th Bengal Lancers (AM) 12th Bengal Cavalry (PK, C, Kb) 13th Bengal Lancers 14th Bengal Lancers (C, Kb)
15th Bengal Cavalry 17th Bengal Cavalry 18th Bengal Cavalry 19th Bengal Lancers (AK) 1st Punjab Cavalry (AK)
2nd Punjab Cavalry (AK) 3rd Punjab Cavalry (KK, Kd) 5th Punjab Cavalry (C, Kb) Queen's Corps of Guides (AM, Kb) Central India Horse (KK, Kd)
1st Madras Light Cavalry 2nd Bombay Light Cavalry 3rd Bombay Light Cavalry (M, Kd) Poona Horse (Kd) 2nd Sind Horse
3rd Sind Horse (M, KK, Kd)

Indian Mountain Artillery
No 1 Kohat Mountain Battery (PK, Kb) No 2 Dejarat Mountain Battery (C, Kb, KK, Kd) No 3 Peshawar Mountain Battery No 4 Hazara Mountain Train (AM) No 5 Mountain Battery
No 1 Bombay Mountain Battery No 2 Bombay Mountain Battery

Indian Infantry
1st Bengal Infantry 2nd Bengal Light Infantry 5th Bengal Light Infantry 6th Bengal Light Infantry (AM) 8th Bengal Infantry
9th Bengal Infantry 11th Bengal Infantry 12th Kelat-i-Ghilzai Bengal Infantry 13th Bengal Infantry 14th Ferozepore Bengal Infantry (AM)
15th Loodinah Sikhs Bengal Infantry (AK, KK, Kd) 16th Lucknow Bengal Infantry 19th Bengal Infantry Punjab (AK) 20th Bengal Infantry Punjab (AM) 21st Bengal Infantry Punjab
22nd Bengal Infantry Punjab 23rd Bengal Infantry Punjab Pioneers (PK, C, Kb, KK, Kd) 24th Bengal Infantry Punjab (KK, Kd) 25th Bengal Infantry Punjab (AK, KK, Kd) 26th Bengal Infantry Punjab
27th Bengal Infantry Punjab (AM) 28th Bengal Infantry Punjab (C) 29th Bengal Infantry Punjab (PK) 30th Bengal Infantry Punjab 31st Bengal Infantry Punjab
32nd Bengal Infantry Punjab Pioneers 39th Bengal Infantry 41st Bengal Infantry 45th Bengal Infantry 1st Gurkha Light Infantry
2nd Gurkha (KK, Kd) 3rd Gurkha Kemaoon (AK) 4th Gurkha (AM, KK, Kd) 5th Gurkha Hazara (PK, C, Kb, KK, Kd) Queen's Corps of Guides (AM, Kb)
1st Sikh Infantry (AM) 2nd Sikh Infantry (AK, KK, Kd) 3rd Sikh Infantry (Kb, KK, Kd) 1st Punjab Infantry 2nd Punjab Infantry (PK)
4th Punjab Infantry 5th Punjab Infantry (PK, C, Kb) Bhopaul Battalion Mhairwarra Battalion 1st Madras Infantry
4th Madras Infantry 15th Madras Infantry 21st Madras Infantry 30th Madras Infantry 1st Bombay Infantry Grenadiers (M, Kd)
4th Bombay Infantry Rifle Corps (Kd) 5th Bombay Light Infantry 8th Bombay Infantry 9th Bombay Infantry 10th Bombay Light Infantry
16th Bombay Infantry 19th Bombay Infantry (Kd) 23rd Bombay Light Infantry 24th Bombay Infantry 27th Bombay 1st Baluch Light Infantry
28th Bombay Infantry (Kd) 29th Bombay 2nd Baluch Infantry (KK, Kd) 30th Bombay Infantry Jacob's Rifles (M)

Sappers & Miners
No 1 Company Bengal No 2 Company Bengal (AM) No 3 Company Bengal (AM) No 4 Company Bengal (AK) No 5 Company Bengal (Kb)
No 6 Company Bengal No 7 Company Bengal (PK?, C, Kb) No 8 Company Bengal No 9 Company Bengal No 10 Company Bengal (AK)
A Company Madras B Company Madras C Company Madras E Company Madras I Company Madras
K Company Madras No 1 Company Bombay No 2 Company Bombay (M, Kd?) No 3 Company Bombay No 4 Company Bombay
No 5 Company Bombay

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